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  • 正在播放美好的世界2006HD中字
  • 美好的世界2006影评
  • 剧情介绍
Once upon a time, Juan Pérez, the poorest of the poor, reaches fame in a fluke accident in what seemed to be an attempt of suicide, to protest against the government and his social condition. The Ministry of Economy, surrounded by the scandal in which he is blamed by Pérez's decision, decides to reward him changing his life giving him a little house, a car and a job. But when other poor people (Pérez's close friends) find out about his reversal of fortune, decide to imitate him faking suicide attempts in different buildings in Mexico City. The Ministry of Economy, terrified by the glance of having a plague of beggars, decides to declare poverty a crime and hence finish for once and for all with all the poor in the country. Pérez ends up behind bars. Three years later, Pérez is released and goes back to his previous social condition, but this time, aware of having one day as a rich man is better than a life as poor, he will do anything to get out of his misery... And he will manage to do so!


  • HD中字一吻定情王大陆,林允,陈柏融,蔡思韵,邰智源,李铭顺,钟丽缇,郭书瑶
  • 城市猎人菲利普·拉肖,艾洛蒂·丰唐,塔雷克·布达里,朱利安·阿鲁蒂,迪迪埃·布尔东,帕米拉·安德森,热拉尔·朱尼奥,卡梅尔·古恩福,奥黛丽·拉米,拉斐尔·佩尔索纳,丽姆·柯里奇,梅迪·萨东,多萝茜,阿尔本·巴贾拉克塔拉贾,杰若梅·勒·班纳,索菲·穆塞尔,莉亚·科贝德,艾莉莎·巴奇尔·贝,安妮-索伦娜·哈特,文森特·罗皮恩,加布里埃·玛丽,阿米莉娜·利穆西
  • TC抢先版第二十条雷佳音 , 马丽 , 赵丽颖 , 高叶 , 刘耀文 , 张译 , 于和伟 , 孙艺洲
  • HD中字贱女孩琳赛·洛翰,瑞秋·麦克亚当斯,蒂娜·菲,蒂姆·麦道斯,艾米·波勒,安娜·盖斯泰尔,莱西·沙伯特,丽兹·卡潘,丹尼尔·弗兰泽兹,尼尔·弗林,乔纳森·本内特,阿曼达·塞弗里德,Elana Shilling,伊利·亨利,Jonathan Malen,杰克·纽曼,芭丝谢芭·加内特,Daniel DeSanto,Alisha Morrison,克里斯·布洛克莱茵斯基,迪亚哥·克莱特霍夫,Wai Choy,劳
  • HD二手杰作于和伟 , 郭麒麟 , 倪虹洁 , 许恩怡 , 张子贤 , 冯雷 , 吕行 , 刘美含
  • TC国语飞驰人生2尝鲜版沈腾,范丞丞,尹正,张本煜,孙艺洲,魏翔,贾冰,郑恺,冯绍峰,黄景瑜,刘昊然,于适,胡先煦,阎鹤祥,周野芒,高华阳,孙强,范高翔,郝瀚
  • HD贱神三少爷3杨博,刘乐乐,周鑫洋,马潇煊,宋佳霓,辛圆,殷鸣辰
  • HD中字版圈套剧场版1仲間由紀恵,阿部寛,生瀬勝久,野際陽子,伊武雅刀,根岸季衣
  • DVD马戏团1928查理·卓别林,阿尔·欧内斯特·加西亚,梅尔纳·肯尼迪,哈里·克罗克,乔治·戴维斯,亨利·伯格曼,蒂尼·桑福德,约翰兰德,艾伯特·奥斯汀,斯坦利·布莱斯通,海尼·康克林,Toraichi Kono,贝蒂莫里西,L.J. O'Connor,杰克 P. 皮尔斯,Hugh Saxon,Armand Triller
  • HD人工中字蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙沙梅克·摩尔,海莉·斯坦菲尔德,奥斯卡·伊萨克,杰克·约翰逊,伊萨·雷,马赫沙拉·阿里,詹森·舒瓦兹曼
  • HD中字逃学威龙周星驰,张敏,吴孟达,张耀扬,黄一山,秦沛,苑琼丹,陈国新
  • HD只是性,而没有别的朱迪特·谢尔,卡塔·杜博,桑多尔·恰尼

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